Monday, April 26, 2010

Love God And Love Your Neighbor

I went to the Mission de nombre de Dios here in Saint Augustine, Florida to sit on my favorite stone bench by the rustic altar. I was all alone. And I walked up to cross of Jesus where he is there displayed with all the nails in him. I touched his feet and I said, "Thank you dear Lord for dying on the cross for me and my sins, for which they are many." I looked out on the bay. And I began my reading in the book of Mark. Jesus was explaining to the disciples why he often used parables. And why some are shown the things of God and others are not. And I saw a fin appear from a large sea creature in the bay, it was that of a porpoise. And he swam in like circles for about five minutes then he was on his way back to the ocean. And then I looked up to an eagle sitting on the Great Cross. And I thought to myself, for those who do not believe, there is more evidence of a holy God than there is not. If one needs proof, just look around. God created it all. Believe on him, won't you? Then, I went downtown to the Post Office to check my mail. And a United States veteran was standing on the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd/King St, along with a woman aged from the sun, who was sitting. He told me that they are both homeless because of "bad divorces." Then, he asked me, "Do you know anyone who has a job?" (This should dispel any notion that all homeless people do not wish to work and are lazy). I told him about a website where he could search. He was most thankful. And then I went to my car and got something out of my styrofoam cooler for him and the lady to eat. And then I told him a Bible story, about how Jesus had no place to lay his head. And I do hope that I helped lift his spirit. And we said our, "God Bless You's" and I felt good in my heart. What have you done for Jesus today? Help someone won't you?

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